


  • Recognized for sustainability: With the help of “CycleBat”, developed by FEV, manufacturers of electric vehicles get a realistic picture of the economic as well as ecological impact and follow-up costs of their batteries at an early stage. Dr. Philipp Seidel from Arthur D. Little presented the award to Dr. Hagen Wegner, Markus Volkening and Dr. Norbert W. Alt from FEV (left to right) Source: Uli Regenscheit | ATZlive
    在FEV开发的“CycleBat”的帮助下,电车制造商能在早期阶段切实了解其电池的经济、生态影响和后续成本。来自Arthur D. Little的Philipp Seidel博士为FEV的Hagen Wegner博士、Markus Volkening和Norbert W. Alt博士颁奖(从左到右)。

    FEV Consulting因电池回收创新荣获可持续发展奖

    2024年5月,亚琛 - FEV集团旗下的管理咨询公司FEV Consulting因开发 “CycleBat”工具于5月15日在开姆尼茨举行的第18届MTZ未来动力系统国际大会上,荣获2024汽车行业可持续发展奖。该创新解决方案使电动汽车制造商能够准确预测其电池的回收成本和对环境的影响。ATZ/MTZ集团和管理咨询公司Arthur D. Little共同颁发了该奖项。…

  • FEV and ProLogium Technology signed a MOU to cooperate in the development of solid-state battery systems. Source: FEV Group

